News ID: 1232
Publish Date : 05 December 2017 - 00:36

Vehicle Import Rate Decrease to 5 Percent?

Chairman of Iran’s Trade Promotion Organization has made strange statements about car imports and said that the share of car imports should be reduced to 5 percent and this is while, in the strategic plan of automotive industry, the share should reach 10 percent.
KhodroCar – It’s now five months passed since the closure of vehicle import registration website and the exact time its opening is not specified yet, and Mojtaba Khosrotaj said that the share of car imports will be reduced to 5 percent. But this seems like his own idea.

His words are in contrast with the strategic plan adjusted for 2025 and also car import contracts.

According to Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration’s latest report about foreign business, in the first half of this year 44 hundred and 806 vehicles are imported to the country which worth 11.9 billion IRRs and after the closure of vehicle import registration website the imports ended and remained same number.

Now considering the closure of vehicle import registration website and new statements of Khosrotaj, Farhad Ehteshamzad (Chairman of Iranian Automobile Importers Association) told KhodroCar regarding the issue: "We are also surprised reducing the car imports to 5 percent. This is totally in contrast with "2025 Strategic Plan.”

He added: "I don’t know this is Khosrotaj’s own idea or the Ministry’s decision but according to the strategic plan, the basis share of car import is 10 percent. Although the share of imports in the car market is currently around 5 to 6 percent.”

In response to the question about car registration website’s judicial follow up, Head Iranian Automobile Importers Association said: "We are following it up and it takes time of course.

KhodroCar reporter: Negar MirKarimi
KhodroCar translator: Maziyar Jafarieh